Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Installation Art

Installation arts are more about interpreting a space and giving it a new meaning or, in some cases, drawing out what that spec is in it self. 

Surreal Architectural Installation Art at Clark Shoes International Headquarters by Roso


Public installation art by Doris Salcedo

Raindrops Installation Art by Stacee Kalmanrosky

This rain art installation project goes against two basic associations we have with rain: that it falls only on the outside of buildings and that it is always in motion and difficult to see while moving. By contrast, people can walk through this controlled space and see, feel and push each individual drop of rain. 

Turning the place over by Richard Wilson

The building envelope is what defines the difference between interior and exterior, public and private. This moving building wall project contorts and distorts that strict boundary, literally spinning a section of wall visible to pedestrians passing by on the street below.

1 comment:

  1. I would also look at the work of Gordon Matta-Clark, he did a lot about altering spaces/architecture. http://www.artnet.com/Magazine/FEATURES/smyth/smyth6-4-04.asp

    Great overall research!
